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EasyDNA sets itself apart by offering more than just test results. Their tests often include consultations or follow-up sessions, and they have physical offices for scheduled appointments, adding a personalized touch to their services. Additionally, their sample submission process is designed to be user-friendly.
In this comprehensive evaluation, I have thoroughly assessed the quality of EasyDNA’s products, considering both their service excellence and the value they offer. By the conclusion of this review, you will have the insights necessary to determine if EasyDNA’s Ancestry, Health and Wellness, or Diet and Fitness DNA tests represent a worthwhile investment for your needs.
Taking the Tests
For most tests, you’ll be asked to provide a cheek-swab sample. Yet, some tests, such as the intolerances and gut microbiome tests, need a hair or stool sample instead.
EasyDNA doesn’t offer the option to upload raw DNA data from other testing services. Also, the time it takes to process your results varies depending on the test, ranging from two days up to six weeks.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to try to facilitate the shipping of your DNA sample. So, true to its name, EasyDNA offers three easy options:
EasyDNA’s sample collection kit
Sample collection service
EasyDNA’s Sample Collection Kit
In this case, EasyDNA ships out the sample collection kit in discreet packaging without any company label. The same is true of the return envelope, so you are assured complete anonymity.
The collection process will vary depending on the sample requirement. Just follow the attached instructions and put it in the return envelope along with your filled-out consent form. Unfortunately, the return envelope is not prepaid.
This is something I’ve not seen many (if any) other DNA testing companies offer. As an alternative to sending you its own collection kit, EasyDNA can provide you with step-by-step instructions for creating your own DNA sampling kit.
Again, the online instructions will vary according to the sample required. That said, you should be able to gather all of the needed supplies from your local pharmacy. After that, you just need to send the sample back, labeled with your unique reference code.
Sample Collection Services
If you’re not confident about creating your own kit, or even using EasyDNA’s easy-to-use kit, the good news is that the website FAQs allude to two sample collection services:
Mobile samplers who come to your home or workplace to collect the sample
Partner clinics which organize the collection of your sample
The not-so-good news is that the link to these sample collection services led me to a non-existing web page.
EasyDNA Products and Services
EasyDNA offers four different Ancestry tests: GPS Origins, Ancestral Origins, Maternal Lineage, and Paternal Lineage. Let’s look at each one in turn.
GPS Origins™ Ancestry Test
The Geographic Population Structure (GPS) test is the most advanced ancestry test offered by EasyDNA. It pinpoints where your ancestors originated from, down to the city or island. This is more detail than you would get from most competitors.
That said, the test only analyzes around a 1,000 years back, compared with several millennia for less precise tests.
Four to six weeks after processing your results, you’ll receive an 18-page report packed full of fascinating information – but it’s not too pretty. After five pages of introduction to the human story, you see results that look like this:
As well as telling a detailed story about your three highest percentage heritage matches, the report also illustrates (and then explains) your ancestors’ migration story:
Top Features:
Detailed ethnic breakdown
Precise ancestral locations, down to the city/island
Historical facts to provide further context
Ancestral Origins™ Ancestry Test
It takes EasyDNA two weeks to process your sample. In addition to your ten-page report, you’ll receive a 17-inch x 10.6-inch map printed on glossy photographic paper, and personalized with the text “Exclusively prepared for [you name]”.
This framable map includes three sections:
Population Matches
Native Region Matches
Strength Indicators
The Population Matches feature displays how closely your DNA aligns with individuals from specific regions, using color coding to show the strength of the match.
The Native Region Matches highlight your ancestral origins, excluding North America, which differentiates it from the Population Matches.
The Strength Indicators section connects the Population Matches with the Native Region Matches, providing a comparative analysis.
For an additional charge, you can get a pie chart certificate and report that breaks down your ethnic makeup:
To top it off, you can schedule a 15-minute telephone consultation to discuss your results, but it’s probably the most expensive 15 minutes you’ll ever pay for.
Top Features
A poster-sized map of your origins
Simple yet informative information
Optional ethnic breakdown (at extra cost)
Optional telephone consultation (at extra cost)
Maternal Lineage Test
Also called a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) test, the Maternal Lineage test helps you trace your mother’s side of the family.
Since mitochondrial DNA mutates (changes) very slowly down the generations, it’s easy for scientists to identify major groups of people (called haplogroups) that share the same mutations. These haplogroups can be pinpointed to specific locations around the world.
It takes about four to five weeks to get your results after the lab receives your sample.
Top Features
A detailed haplogroup description in your report
A personalized map of your maternal ancestors’ journeys
Interesting facts about famous people in your haplogroup
Paternal Lineage Test
The Y-DNA paternal lineage test is the father’s family line equivalent of the mtDNA test. Y-DNA is passed only from fathers to sons, so females can’t take the test and must ask a close male relative (e.g., father or brother) to take it instead.
As with the maternal test, your haplogroup assignment(s) will tell you where your ancient ancestors came from.
Males can take a duo lineage test that combines the mtDNA and Y-DNA tests to trace both sides of their family. You’ll receive your results in four to five weeks.
Top Features
A detailed haplogroup description in your report
A personalized map of your paternal ancestors’ journeys
Interesting facts about famous people in your haplogroup
How EasyDNA Compares to Other Companies
When it comes to ancestry services, EasyDNA, AncestryDNA, and LivingDNA offer different features and options.
EasyDNA offers global coverage of ancestral regions and includes a basic family tree-building tool. AncestryDNA stands out with extensive global coverage, boasting a large database of genetic matches and offering a comprehensive family tree-building platform.
LivingDNA specializes in global coverage, with a particular focus on British and Irish populations. It provides detailed ethnicity estimates and sub-regional breakdowns.
While EasyDNA provides access to raw DNA data, AncestryDNA offers a wide range of research tools and access to historical records. All three companies prioritize user privacy and offer various pricing options. It’s essential to review their specific services and features to determine which aligns best with your ancestry exploration goals.
Ancestral Regions
Offers global coverage with a wide range of regions
Offers extensive global coverage with 1,000+ regions
Offers global coverage with 80 regions
Ethnicity Estimate
Provides a breakdown of ethnicity percentages based on genetic markers
Provides a detailed breakdown of ethnicity estimates
Provides detailed ethnicity estimates and sub-regional breakdowns
Genetic Matches
Offers the ability to connect and match with genetic relatives in the database
Provides a large database of potential genetic matches for family connections
Offers the ability to connect with genetic relatives in the database
Family Tree Builder
Provides basic family tree-building tools
Provides a comprehensive family tree-building platform with extensive features
Offers a family tree-building tool with the ability to link genetic information
DNA Raw Data
Provides access to raw DNA data for further analysis
Offers access to raw DNA data for users to explore and analyze
Provides access to raw DNA data for users to download and analyze
Research Tools
Offers limited research tools and resources
Provides extensive research tools, historical records, and documents for genealogical research
Offers research tools and access to historical records for genealogical research
Provides data privacy and protection policies
Ensures user privacy and security with robust data protection measures
Focuses on user privacy and data security with strict policies
Offers different testing packages at varying price points
Offers various testing packages with different pricing options
Offers different testing packages with flexible pricing options
Testing Method
Uses modern autosomal DNA testing technology
Uses autosomal DNA testing technology
Utilizes autosomal DNA testing with optional Y-DNA and mtDNA testing
Database Size
Smaller database size compared to AncestryDNA
Largest DNA database with millions of users
Growing database size with a focus on British and Irish populations
Is EasyDNA Worth the High Prices?
EasyDNA’s many different tests differ in price by a factor of ten – from less than $100 to more than $1,000. (The most expensive tests are prenatal, which haven’t been covered in this review.)
In general, the tests are more expensive than competitors’, but they may well be worth it for the detailed reporting and exceptional aftercare. Most tests – especially the health tests – allow you to upgrade for additional perks and features.
Payment options include credit/debit cards, PayPal, and even in person at one of the company’s worldwide offices.
A Generic Email Response, but Top-Notch Telephone Support
EasyDNA has physical offices in 25 countries all around the world, which you can visit to take a test or talk to someone in person. Alternatively, you can call the company, initiate a live chat, or send an email.
I emailed the company to ask about uploading raw DNA data and using the sample collection services (the details of which were missing from the website). I received a generic reply within one business day, which didn’t answer my specific questions:
This disappointing response at least provided me with a perfect opportunity to test the telephone support, and I’m happy to report that the support agent I spoke to was extremely knowledgeable and courteous.
In case you’re wondering: yes, you can still have your sample collected by a professional, but this is outsourced to another company that charges extra. It’s only really recommended for blood tests.
A DNA Testing Company That’s Too Easy to Overlook
EasyDNA is not as well-known as many DNA testing companies, such as AncestryDNA or 23andMe, which is somewhat surprising since it has worldwide offices and has been in business for more than ten years.
What really sets EasyDNA apart from its competitors is the wide variety of tests it offers. Another big bonus is how much post-care it offers to customers after the sale. If you’re looking for really detailed or specific information, EasyDNA should definitely be in your consideration set.
However, there are still some limitations that could direct you to a competitor. For example, if you want to connect to living relatives or explore your family’s genealogy, you’d be better off with MyHeritage. Or, if you have a very specific health or diet question – like whether you could be lactose intolerant – you could save a lot of money by ordering a single test from Orig3n, for example.
How accurate is EasyDNA?
EasyDNA promises 99% accuracy in their tests. All the laboratories they work with follow ISO 17025 standards, the most important standard for DNA testing laboratories. This means that they follow internationally defined laboratory requirements regarding staff, equipment, processes, and more.
How does EasyDNA compare to competitors? Please mention other vendors
In regards to ancestry, EasyDNA can’t keep up with competition like MyHeritage, Living DNA, and AncestryDNA. EasyDNA doesn’t feature DNA matches or family tree building. When it comes to health & wellness, EasyDNA doesn’t offer as many disease reports as 23andMe or Helix. However, EasyDNA stands out with its cheap genetic counseling service and its broad test offering.
What different test categories does EasyDNA offer? (How about for pets?)
Their testing range is extremely wide. They test everything from paternity tests to drug tests. EasyDNA even offers bird tests! Whatever you want tested, EasyDNA most likely does it.
How much does an EasyDNA test cost? (Any discounts?)
They offer over 30 different tests. The prices vary. Most range from $120 – $300. There are tests, like the non-invasive prenatal paternal test, that cost up to $1295.
Who should consider taking an EasyDNA test?
Anyone who wants to take a DNA test that is not about ancestry. People looking for an ancestry test are better off with competitors like MyHeritage or Living DNA. EasyDNA lacks features like a family tree builder and a relative finder, and they have much fewer DNA samples to match yours against.
A Detailed Look at EasyDNA’s Health and Wellness Tests
EasyDNA offers a variety of Health and Wellness tests. In this review, I’ll focus on four: the Genetic Predisposition Test, the Celiac Disease Test, the SkincareDNATest, and the “Karmagenes” Personality DNA Test.
Genetic Predisposition Test
This test is not available to US residents unless a physician authorizes the purchase. The test checks for predispositions to more than 35 significant genetic diseases and conditions in the following categories:
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases (e.g., celiac, Graves’ disease)
Neurological and oncological diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis and cancers)
Other diseases (e.g., osteoporosis)
The results include an overview of your disease risk compared with the general population. You’ll also get somewhat generic explanations about each disease and condition, a list of the genotypes (variants) for the relevant genes, and recommendations for lifestyle changes you can make.
For a relatively low additional cost, EasyDNA offers a 40-minute session with a genetic counselor to help you understand your results, clarify any concerns, and offer advice on treatments and further tests.
Top Features
EasyDNA follows strict FDA guidelines
Your risk compared to the general population
Lifestyle recommendations to improve your health
A session with a genetic counselor (for an additional cost)
Celiac Disease Test
As withany genetic predisposition test, this one cannot diagnose you with celiac disease. It will tell you if you could get the disease or if you almost certainly (99%) cannot. Like the Genetic Predisposition Test, this report is unavailable to those living in the US.
Top Features
Reassurance to rule out the disease
Overview of clinical features (signs and symptoms)
Recommended dietary guidelines
“Karmagenes” Personality DNA Test
Our genes don’t only determine our physical characteristics; they also influence our personality and behavior. This two-part test is comprised of:
The DNA test to analyze genes for 14 behavioral characteristics
The Karmagenes i5 psychometrics tool that assesses the “Big Five” dimensions of personality: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism
For each of the behavioral characteristics, the report shows your genetic (outer circle) and environmental (inner circle) assessments for certain personality traits. For example:
Additional text tells you about the implications for your behavior and provides suggestions for improvement. You can take things a step further by upgrading for advice about your career, relationships, and well-being.
Top Features
Reports on genetic and environmental factors
Provides advice on personality and lifestyle improvements
Upgrade for more specific recommendations
Similar Tests to Consider
MyHeritage DNAincludes physician oversight and genetic counseling to determine if the test is right for you. You get good value from the report on 13 genetic risks (including heart disease and breast cancer) and 13 carrier statuses (including cystic fibrosis).
23andMe reports on more than ten genetic health risks, including type 2 diabetes, celiac disease, and BRCA1/BRCA2. You also get 40+ carrier status reports and eight reports on wellness, including muscle composition, lactose intolerance, and alcohol flush reaction.
Is EasyDNA Worth the High Prices?
EasyDNA’s many different tests differ in price by a factor of ten – from less than $100 to more than $1,000. (The most expensive tests are prenatal, which haven’t been covered in this review.)
In general, the tests are more expensive than competitors’, but they may well be worth it for the detailed reporting and exceptional aftercare. Most tests – especially the health tests – allow you to upgrade for additional perks and features.
Payment options include credit/debit cards, PayPal, and even in person at one of the company’s worldwide offices.
A Generic Email Response, but Top-Notch Telephone Support
EasyDNA has physical offices in 25 countries all around the world, which you can visit to take a test or talk to someone in person. Alternatively, you can call the company, initiate a live chat, or send an email.
I emailed the company to ask about uploading raw DNA data and using the sample collection services (the details of which were missing from the website). I received a generic reply within one business day, which didn’t answer my specific questions:
This disappointing response at least provided me with a perfect opportunity to test the telephone support, and I’m happy to report that the support agent I spoke to was extremely knowledgeable and courteous.
In case you’re wondering: yes, you can still have your sample collected by a professional, but this is outsourced to another company that charges extra. It’s only really recommended for blood tests.
A DNA Testing Company That’s Too Easy to Overlook
EasyDNA is not as well-known as many DNA testing companies, such as AncestryDNAor 23andMe, which is somewhat surprising since it has worldwide offices and has been in business for more than ten years.
What really sets EasyDNA apart from its competitors is the wide variety of tests it offers. Another big bonus is how much post-care it offers to customers after the sale. If you’re looking for really detailed or specific information, EasyDNA should definitely be in your consideration set.
However, there are still some limitations that could direct you to a competitor. For example, if you want to connect to living relatives or explore your family’s genealogy, you’d be better off with MyHeritage. Or, if you have a very specific health or diet question – like whether you could be lactose intolerant – you could save a lot of money by ordering a single test from Orig3n, for example.
A Detailed Look at EasyDNA’s Diet and Fitness Tests
Your DNA can tell you a lot about what your body needs (and doesn’t need) to function on a daily basis. Here I focus on four essential tests – the Intolerance Sensitivity Test, the Gut Microbiome Test, the DNA Diet and Healthy Weight Test, and the NutriFit Health and Fitness DNA Test – to help you understand your body’s requirements.
Intolerance Sensitivity Test
If you’re experiencing coughing fits, random skin rashes, or nausea, you could be suffering from an intolerance (which is not the same as a more serious allergy).
EasyDNA’s intolerance test covers up to 800 food and non-food items, including pets and pollen. You’ll also learn about nutritional deficiencies, metal toxicity, gut biome, and hormonal balance.
Seven to ten working days after receiving your hair sample, EasyDNA will make your easy-to-understand, color-coded report available. Green dots indicate regular tolerance levels, whereas yellow or red dots indicate moderate or severe intolerance (respectively).
A 19-page guide explains your results and gives you some hints and tips. Plus, you’ll get a six-week food diary planner. You’ll also receive a total of 28 follow-up emails containing advice, recipes, and general information. That’s good customer care as far as I’m concerned.
Top Features
Tests intolerances to a wide variety of food and non-food items
A six-week food diary planner
Good aftercare with additional advice and support
Gut Microbiome Test
Your gut contains trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, which together are termed your “microbiome.” The microorganisms in your microbiome are essential to your health.
This test requires a stool sample, and you get everything you need to collect it, including rubber gloves and a test tube. EasyDNA recommends you order two tests at the same time so that you can retest 6-12 months after implementing its recommendations from the first test.
You’ll receive your results after 15 to 20 working days after submitting your sample. The report will tell you which bacteria are living in your biome, how this is influencing your body, and whether you’re getting enough nutrition from your diet. The color coding tells you if you’re on the right track:
There’s much more, including useful information about specific abundances in your gut, a food chart with nutritional facts, and an appendix that explains the unfamiliar terms.
Top Features
Deep insights about your gut microbiome
Details about the good and bad bacteria in your gut
Recommendations for optimizing your diet
DNA Diet and Healthy Weight Test
When it comes to your weight, your genes can play a big part, and the DNA Diet and Healthy Weight Test looks specifically at the genetic markers that are known to be associated with your weight. Within 15 to 20 days of submitting your cheek swab(s), you’ll receive a 70-page behemoth report arranged into four major topics:
Weight Loss Ability: How easily do you lose weight?
Food Categories: What proportion of carbs, protein, and fats should you have?
Nutrients: What micronutrients and vitamins do you need?
Response to Exercise: How do you exercise the most effectively?
You also get a custom meal plan (with recipes) and a custom exercise plan.
If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, but you don’t know where to start or you’re not getting the results you want, this test and report should take you in the right direction.
Top Features
A very comprehensive 70-page report
A custom meal plan with recipes
A custom exercise plan
NutriFit Health and Fitness DNA Test
While the previous test is for people wanting to lose weight, this one is for anyone wanting to take fitness to the next level. It includes 29 different DNA tests covering nutrition, metabolic properties, sports, and health.
After submitting four cheek swabs, you can expect to wait a maximum of six weeks for your 58-page report, which includes an individual diet and lifestyle plan. And that’s just the Basic plan; you get 58 DNA tests and a 100-page report with the Premium version.
With either test you can order a personalized cookbook (at extra cost), which includes a detailed 28-day diet plan with 60 recipes and instructions on how to change your nutrition plan without changing your calorie intake.
Top Features
Choose the level of reporting you’re looking for
Get custom diet, exercise, and lifestyle plans
Optionally order the personalized cookbook
Similar Tests to Consider
Orig3n lets you save money by only paying for tests related to specific conditions rather than committing to a complete set of results.
DNAfit is more expensive and focused on providing actionable information that you can easily apply to your lifestyle.
Is EasyDNA Worth the High Prices?
EasyDNA’s many different tests differ in price by a factor of ten – from less than $100 to more than $1,000. (The most expensive tests are prenatal, which haven’t been covered in this review.)
In general, the tests are more expensive than competitors’, but they may well be worth it for the detailed reporting and exceptional aftercare. Most tests – especially the health tests – allow you to upgrade for additional perks and features.
Payment options include credit/debit cards, PayPal, and even in person at one of the company’s worldwide offices.
A Generic Email Response, but Top-Notch Telephone Support
EasyDNA has physical offices in 25 countries all around the world, which you can visit to take a test or talk to someone in person. Alternatively, you can call the company, initiate a live chat, or send an email.
I emailed the company to ask about uploading raw DNA data and using the sample collection services (the details of which were missing from the website). I received a generic reply within one business day, which didn’t answer my specific questions:
This disappointing response at least provided me with a perfect opportunity to test the telephone support, and I’m happy to report that the support agent I spoke to was extremely knowledgeable and courteous.
In case you’re wondering: yes, you can still have your sample collected by a professional, but this is outsourced to another company that charges extra. It’s only really recommended for blood tests.
A DNA Testing Company That’s Too Easy to Overlook
EasyDNA is not as well-known as many DNA testing companies, such as AncestryDNAor 23andMe, which is somewhat surprising since it has worldwide offices and has been in business for more than ten years.
What really sets EasyDNA apart from its competitors is the wide variety of tests it offers. Another big bonus is how much post-care it offers to customers after the sale. If you’re looking for really detailed or specific information, EasyDNA should definitely be in your consideration set.
Whether you’re a pet owner looking to unveil your dog’s heritage, a breeder in need of a parentage certificate, or a veterinarian interested in assessing genetic health risks, EasyDNA has a range of tests tailored to meet your needs.
But here’s the real question: Can a company that offers an extensive selection of 13 pet tests, along with ancestry and health tests, truly deliver the quality and consistency you expect? And what about crucial aspects like customer service and support? How does EasyDNA stack up against renowned vendors like Embark and Basepaws?
Just like you, we were curious about EasyDNA and decided to delve deep into the company and its offerings. By dedicating just five or ten minutes to reading this comprehensive review of EasyDNA, you’ll gain valuable insights into whether one (or even a few) of their pet tests are the right fit for you.
Depending on the test your animal takes, the sample collection process can vary. Not all genetic information can be extracted with a mouth swab. It probably goes without saying, but some of these sample collections will be a bit easier to obtain than others.
EasyDNA provides a lot of guidance on how to collect a sample from your pet on its website. You also have the option to have the company take care of it for you, either with one of EasyDNA’s mobile samplers or by going to a nearby partner clinic.
Here are all the collection methods used by the different tests.
Cheek Swab
Gently rub the swab against your four-legged friend’s inner cheek. It takes less than a minute and is completely painless.
Tests that require cheek swabs:
DNA My Dog Breed Test
Dog Allergy Test
DNA My Dog Canine Genetic Age Test
Dog Parentage Test
Dog DNA testing without The Mother
Dog Inherited Disease & Trait Test
Feline PKD Testing
Cat Genetics DNA Test
Because horses are always grazing, swabs get contaminated easily. Hair samples have a much higher success rate. The hair follicle – i.e., the root of the hair – is the only part containing nuclear DNA (nDNA), which is necessary for these tests. So, you can’t cut the hair; you have to pluck it. With adult horses, you can pluck the hair from the mane. With foals, pluck it from the tail because the follicles from the mane are too small. You have to send in about 12-25 hairs.
Tests that require hair samples:
Horse Parentage Testing
Equine DNA Profiling (Genotyping)
Blood or Feathers
For birds, the only way to collect a DNA sample is either via feathers or a blood sample (don’t worry, no cheek swab). Because not everyone is a vet, EasyDNA has provided easy instructions on how to pick the right feathers and collect a blood sample through nail clipping.
Test that requires blood or feather samples:
Avian DNA sexing
A Ton of DNA Tests for Your Dog
DNA My Dog Breed Test
EasyDNA matches your dog’s DNA against its database of more than 95 breeds. In two to threeweeks, you’ll receive a frameable certificate of your dog’s breed composition.
In addition to the breed composition certificate, EasyDNA provides a guide to the personality traits, ideal exercise routines, and behaviors you can expect from all the breeds your dog is made up of. This report is super useful when it comes to your dog’s training and caretaking.
On top of that, you’ll receive a health guide to learn what illnesses and health problems your dog is prone to, which you can use to prepare for the future or address present issues.
Other companies will differ in detail, price, customer support, and other aspects. For example, Embark can identify 250+ breeds.Orivet and Wisdom Panel identify even more than 350 breeds! But because it has a smaller database and a less detailed report,EasyDNA is considerably cheaper. Also, EasyDNA offers some discounts if you buy a second or a third dog breed test, and if you combine it with the allergy test.
Dog Allergy Test
You might notice that your dog is uncomfortable or suffering, but they won’t be able to tell you what’s wrong. This is where a test like this can really help. Countless food or environmental items can cause allergic reactions, and EasyDNA tests for 110+ common allergens. It takes two weeks for your results to come in via email.
With the report, you learn what allergens your dog is intolerant to, what symptoms might occur, and how to treat them.
A while back, one of the biggest dog DNA testing companies, Embark, gave the statement: “While some human DNA tests can estimate biological age, no commercial dog DNA test currently offers this sort of testing.”
EasyDNA made it possible and was the first to offer a genetic age test for dogs. To determine biological age, EasyDNA measures the length of your dog’s telomeres. A telomere is the end of a chromosome that protects it from fusing with neighboring chromosomes. The shorter the telomere, the older the dog.
Interested in learning more about your biological vs. chronological age? TeloYears has a similar test for humans.
Once you know the results, two to three weeks after sending in the saliva sample, you can take control of your dog’s aging process. Make lifestyle and dietary adjustments to keep your canine friend young and healthy.
Premium Dog Testing Package
You’ve now read about the DNA My Dog Breed Test, the Dog Allergy Test, and the DNA My Dog Canine Genetic Age Test. If you are interested in all of them, EasyDNA offers these three tests as a package deal (for a fraction of the total cost).
Dog Parentage Test
Comparing the DNA of the dam (mother dog) and the sire (father dog) to the alleged offspring gives you 99.99% accurate parental results. If you’re a breeder, you can offer your customers a DNA certificate to prove the dog’s heritage. If you’re a customer, you can make sure the dog you’re buying is the offspring of the declared sire.
EasyDNA will send you the results after ten working days. If the sire is confirmed, it’ll say “qualifies” if he isn’t, it’ll say “not qualifying.”
EasyDNA is more expensive than some other vendors, like the Happy Dog DNA and Who’zTheDaddy?’s tests. So, if you just need to determine parentage, it might be worth shopping around.
Dog Inherited Disease & Trait Test
Does your dog carry any genetic diseases that might affect it in the future? Certain breeds are more prone to hereditary conditions than others. Once you know your dog’s health risks, you can take the necessary steps to ensure a healthy future. As a breeder, you can share this information to show that your dogs are disease-free or exclude the dog from mating to create a healthier gene pool.
EasyDNA will send your report by email after ten working days. For eight different diseases, you’ll get a “clear,” “carrier,” or “at-risk” result. “Clear” means that the genome is normal, “carrier” means that the dog carries the mutation (and could pass it on to offspring), and “at-risk” means that your dog will likely show clinical signs.
You might want to run a parentage test but are unable to provide a sample from the mother. This option will still give you 99.99% accurate results, but more markers need to be tested. EasyDNA offers the parentage test without the dam’s DNA at a higher price. The results are ready in ten working days.
The two other companies I mentioned that perform parentage testing both don’t offer a parentage test without the dam’s DNA.
Polycystic kidney disease is crippling and can be fatal. It causes cysts on the ovaries and can end in kidney failure. Often the cysts can’t be treated because there are too many of them to remove. But you can take steps against kidney failure before it’s too late.
As a pet owner, having this information will ease your cat’s suffering and let them have a longer life. If you’re a breeder, you can exclude cats with PKD from the gene pool for healthier future generations. Your results will be ready ten working days after EasyDNA receives your sample.
Other vendors testing for PKD are Basepaws and Orivet. At a just slightly higher price than EasyDNA, both provide a much more detailed report with PKD being only one of many tested diseases. Basepaws offers the PKD test in a package deal, including a breed report and a wildcat index. With the wildcat index, you can discover which wild cat your cat is most related to, which sounds super neat!
Cat Genetics DNA Test (Not Yet Available)
Discover your kitty’s ancestry, breed groups, similarity to wild cats, and more. The report – when it finally becomes available – includes a chromosome map. This will help you discover regions on your cat’s genome that are similar to well-known cat breeds. This means you’ll see what breed groups are present in your cat.
The report will also include a section about wild cats where you can learn what percent your cat is related to different wild cats. The results will be available within eight to ten weeks.
EasyDNA’s (forthcoming) test is solely about the cat’s genetic makeup and doesn’t include any health or wellness information. Basepaws, on the other hand, simultaneously tests for 17 genetic diseases. EasyDNA could only win with price, but it hasn’t published it yet. We’ll keep checking and keep you posted.
Unsure who the father of your foal is? Send in a few strands of the sire’s (dad horse), the mare’s (mom horse) and the foal’s (kid horse) hair, wait ten working days, and you’ll know if it’s a match. EasyDNA includes a 23 genetic marker profile and, as a result, guarantees the highest level of accuracy possible.
Sometimes you don’t know which sire is the father. Maybe you have to test several horses over months. EasyDNA stores all your horse’s DNA profiles, so you don’t have to have them tested every time.
The Center for Animal Genetics (CAG) offers the same test for half the price. This German company operates worldwide but, to take its test, you have to fill out a two-page form. This procedure can be irritating. Ordering with EasyDNA is much simpler and less time-consuming.
Equine DNA Profiling (Genotyping)
Get a unique genetic ID for your horse. This genetic print lets you identify a horse with 100% accuracy. This is useful, for example, if someone steals your horse. When you find it again, you want to identify it, and make sure it’s actually yours. It’s also valuable for breeders to keep a record of their horses and to use it for parental testing.
EasyDNA profiles 23 DNA markers and sends you the result in ten working days.
Here again, the CAG offers the same test at roughly half the price. You have to fill out the same two-page form as with the parentage testing.
Horse Hereditary Disease Test (Not Yet Available)
Find out if your horse carries any inherited genetic diseases that may limit their performance or cause health problems. EasyDNA tests (or, will test, at some point in the future) for 23 hereditary diseases. If you know your horse is prone to one of them, you can take steps with your veterinarian and also exclude that horse from breeding.
Once you’ve sent in the sample, it will take ten to 14 working days for the results to arrive in your digital mailbox.
At Etalon, your report will include 26 genetic diseases, plus you’ll get information about the genes that are responsible for your horse’s color. Also, Etalon is working on its own ancestry test for horses, but that’s still in beta. We will have to see how EasyDNA can compare with pricing once this information becomes public.
It’s notoriously tricky to tell female birds from male birds. Often, we only figure out that they are female when they lay eggs. Once you know you’ve misgendered your bird, it doesn’t just need a new name. A she-bird needs a different diet and different caretaking than her male counterpart. If you know their sex before, you can take proper care of your feathery friend. The report is ready in seven business days and EasyDNA promises 99.99% accurate results!
Other vendors, like Stab Vida, offer tests for single birds. EasyDNA, on the other hand, requires that you have a minimum order of five tests. But even when you reach this threshold, EasyDNA is still much more expensive.
EasyDNA offers many different tests with a naturally wide range of prices. Unlike at other companies, you can buy some specific tests individually. For example, you can buy a feline Polycystic Kidney Disease test, without buying a full health testing package.
Also, EasyDNA tests for fewer genetic diseases and allergies than its competitors (notably Wisdom Panel,Embark, and Orivet, which all test for 150-200+ diseases). EasyDNA only tests for eight, however, its prices are also much lower, starting at 169,00 $.
Generally, EasyDNA is cheaper than its competition, but as a result, offers less insight in its reports. But sometimes these lean reports are just ideal. If they are enough for you, you’ll save good money with EasyDNA.
And keep an eye out for discounts! With many tests you get a second and third one cheaper, and sometimes even a package deal.
You can order all tests online, so keep your credit card handy. If you don’t have access to a credit card or you don’t want to use it, you can also choose direct bank transfer, use PayPal, and even pay via money order. On EasyDNA’s website, you’ll find a thorough payment solution page with all accepted payment methods.
A Generic Email Response, but Top-Notch Telephone Support
EasyDNA has physical offices in 25 countries all around the world, which you can visit to take a test or talk to someone in person. Alternatively, you can call the company, initiate a live chat, or send an email.
I emailed the company to ask about uploading raw DNA data and using the sample collection services (the details of which were missing from the website). I received a generic reply within one business day, which didn’t answer my specific questions:
This disappointing response at least provided me with a perfect opportunity to test the telephone support, and I’m happy to report that the support agent I spoke to was extremely knowledgeable and courteous.
In case you’re wondering: yes, you can still have your sample collected by a professional, but this is outsourced to another company that charges extra. It’s only really recommended for blood tests.
While the support is good, you should first head over to the knowledge base. It’s a page on the website with links to all of EasyDNA’s articles. You can learn all about the different tests provided, how they work, and how they can help you. EasyDNA adds more and more articles as science in the genetic field progresses.
A Test for Every Pet
EasyDNA offers many different tests about health, heritage, and identification for cats, dogs, horses, and birds.
Compared to other vendors, EasyDNA tests fewer genetic diseases, fewer allergies, and has a smaller dog breed database. For many people, the level of information is enough. If that’s the case for you, you’ll be able to save some money compared to the competition.
And a lack of detail isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Many of EasyDNA’s tests don’t call for an in-depth report. For example, a good feline PKD test only needs to accurately tell you whether or not your cat is affected. That’s it.
Since EasyDNA only works with accredited labs following ISO 17025 standards (most important international standard for calibration laboratories), all its results are as accurate as possible by today’s standards. Plus, you’ll get report updates as science progresses and new discoveries are made, which can save you more money in the future.
What animals does EasyDNA cover in its pet DNA tests?
Dogs, cats, horses, and birds can all be tested with EasyDNA. Not all tests are available for all animals, though. For example, you can request a genetic ID of your horse, but you can’t do that for your bird. You can establish your bird’s sex with a DNA test, but obviously, this is not offered for cats, dogs, and horses.
What kind of dog DNA tests does EasyDNA offer?
EasyDNA offers seven dog DNA tests:
DNA My Dog Breed Test: Learn about your mixed breed’s genetic heritage. You’ll learn about what breeds your dog comes from and what that means regarding health and behavior.
Dog Allergy Test: This test is to find out what your dog is allergic to. Use the results to adapt diet and lifestyle, and you’ll have a healthier and happier dog.
DNA My Dog Canine Genetic Age Test: EasyDNA measures the length of your dog’s telomeres and determines its age on a biological (vs. chronological) level.
Premium Dog Testing Package: With this package, you get the three previous tests – breed, allergy, and genetic age – at a bundled rate.
Dog Parentage Test: Establish with 99.99% accuracy if your dog is the biological offspring of the alleged father.
Dog Inherited Disease & Trait Test: Some dogs are prone to genetic diseases. If you know what your dog might suffer from in the future, you can take the appropriate measures already. The Dog Inherited Disease & Trait Test will give you all the info you need.
Motherless Dog Parentage Test: If you don’t have the mother’s DNA, a parentage test is more complicated. EasyDNA still offers a solution at a higher price.
What kind of cat DNA tests does EasyDNA offer?
EasyDNA currently offers one DNA test specifically for cats, but another test is in the works:
Feline PKD Testing: Polycystic Kidney Disease in cats often results in death. If you know your cat might be affected, you can prepare yourself for the appropriate treatment.
Cat Genetics DNA Test (Not Yet Available): Find out all about your little friend’s ancestry, what breed groups they belong to, what wild cat they are most similar to, and more!
What kind of horse DNA tests does EasyDNA offer?
EasyDNA offers a couple DNA tests for horses, and a third will be available in the future:
Horse Parentage Testing: Same as with dogs, you can find out if the foal is the biological offspring of the sire (father horse).
Equine DNA Profiling (Genotyping): With this test, you will receive a unique way to identify your horse. It’s a genetic ID card that can’t ever be forged.
Horse Hereditary Disease Test (Not Yet Available): Discover what hereditary diseases your horse might suffer from. This is especially useful for breeders, because it allows them to get rid of the disease by not breeding the horse. That way, the unwanted trait doesn’t get passed down to the foal.
What kind of bird DNA tests does EasyDNA offer?
There is currently only one bird test EasyDNA offers:
Avian DNA sexing: With some bird species, it’s super difficult for the layman to tell the sex of the bird. This DNA test gives you 99.99% accurate results! It’s not just important for the name of the bird, but also for its diet and handling.
How does EasyDNA compare to other pet DNA tests?
Pet DNA tests like Embark (for dogs), Basepaws (for cats), and Etalon (for horses) are hyper-focused on one animal. EasyDNA offers tests for all animals and also DNA tests for humans. In comparison, EasyDNA’s tests are not as in-depth, and its reports tend to be less detailed. If you know what you’re looking for and you find it with EasyDNA, chances are that you’ll get a solid balance of price and benefit.
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Patrick Zuercher
Patrick Zuercher
I’m Pat. I run a fine little creative writing shop called Devilscopy. It grows brands with devilishly handsome writing. With DNA tests, I love that you can learn more about yourself in so many different ways. You can learn about your history, your health and even living family member you may never have heard about. I’m glad we got acquainted. Now, on you go reading, my friend!
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